ID&E Benefits Employees

Valuing Our Colleagues

We embrace the different perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of our colleagues and strive to ensure everyone feels valued for their unique qualities and contributions.

What ID&E Means to Employees

Hear from our colleagues

What Matters Most to Our Employees

Together, we are building a culture of belonging at Corteva. In this special feature, hear from our employees as they share #whatmattersmost to them when it comes to inclusion, diversity, and equity.

What Matters Most

Sharing journeys

The Heart of Science

Meet some of our passionate people around the world making an impact on the future of farming.

Learn more
IDE - 9 BRGs

Diverse organisations

Business resource groups

We support nine Business Resource Groups (BRGs) to ensure success in embracing and celebrating the similarities and differences of people, cultures and ideas. Each group is made up of dedicated colleagues who volunteer their time and talents to educate, uplift and inspire fellow employees and the communities we serve.


Committed to Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity

Corteva is committed to boldly embracing the power of inclusion, diversity, and equity to enrich the lives of our employees and strengthen the performance of our company, while advancing equity in agriculture. Learn more about what this means in practice.

ID&E Benefits Suppliers, Farmers, and Employees

Celebrating diversity in agriculture

We celebrate the rich diversity of farmers and growers around the world. Meet some of the diverse farmers we serve and learn how we are supporting female farmers globally.

Learn More
Women in Farming

Women in farming

Across the world, women are growing crops, running farms of all sizes and in doing so, ensuring food security. 

Read their stories