Vermont-NEA News

Farm-to-School Expansion Good for Students, Farms and Rural Economy

Senate Approval of Expanded Farm-to-School Bill Great News for Vermont’s Students, Farms and Rural Economy

State’s educators know the link between learning and the availability of good, nutritious food

MONTPELIER – The Senate’s passage today of an expanded farm-to-school bill is great news for Vermont’s students, farmers, and rural economy, according to the president of the state’s largest educators union.

The following statement can be attributed to Martha Allen, a K-12 librarian who serves as the president of Vermont-NEA:

“As educators, my fellow members and I know how important nutrition is to our students. We also know that getting fresher, better, and locally grown and produced food into our schools is a worthy goal that boosts student learning, helps our hard-working farmers, and expands our rural economy.

“The program passed today by the Senate sets some of the most aggressive farm-to-school goals in the country. By 2025, the program would have schools purchase at least 50 percent of their food from local or regional food sources.

“This is type of program that brings out the best in Vermont. By helping our children learn about and eat more fresh, local food, we will give farmers steady, local customers and we will also boost our local economy for generations to come.”

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