Vermont-NEA News

Children Deserve an Excellent Public Education

On December 1, Gov. Peter Shumlin released his proposed education property tax rates. He also called for slashing spending on public education. Here's Vermont-NEA President Martha Allen's response to the governor. 

MONTPELIER – The following statement on today’s release of the projected property tax rates for the upcoming school year can be attributed to Vermont-NEA President Martha Allen:

As we do every year, I and my fellow educators pledge to work in our local communities to ensure that all of our children continue to receive the public education they deserve.

We note that next year’s projected education property tax rate increases are half as much as this year’s. We also note that the way we pay for schools in Vermont is the fairest in the country, and we remain ready to help local communities and elected officials make it even fairer.

Our members are in Vermont’s classrooms every day. We know that nothing is more important to the future of Vermont than ensuring that our children have the one-on-one attention from professional educators so that they can become happy, healthy, productive citizens.

As we embark on our annual discussion of how to keep Vermont’s schools among the top five in the nation, we cannot lose sight of the fact that what’s most important is doing what is right for our children.

And we must take care not to destroy what we’ve, together with local communities, built over the decades.