Vermont-NEA News

BREAKING: Vermont-NEA Task Force Issues Requirements for Safely Reopening Schools

Educators Issue Requirements for Safely Reopening Schools

Vermont-NEA Task Force Outlines Comprehensive Steps for Safety, Health, and Learning

MONTPELIER – A group of 25 educators from across the state issued a comprehensive list of requirements that must be met before we can safely welcome Vermont’s students back to class.

The Vermont-NEA Task Force on School Reopening met for the first time this week, addressing the extensive list of issues that must be addressed as we contemplate a return to in-person instruction in the fall. The task force hopes to “provide concrete and trusted guidance to local unions, the Agency of Education, state health officials, school boards, superintendents and principals, the governor and the legislature on how to identify and overcome the many challenges associated with safely reopening public schools for students and their families, staff and local communities.”

Yesterday, the governor and education secretary definitively announced that they intend to open Vermont’s schools to in-person instruction this fall. Vermont-NEA President Don Tinney called the announcement “unfortunate” because the hard work required to plan for a safe reopening has not been completed.

“It is our hope that the ideas and issues generated by this task force are addressed and resolved by public officials making decisions about reopening our schools,” said Tinney, who chairs the Vermont-NEA’s reopening task force. “The voices of educators must be heard as we develop what schools will look like when we reopen. But we cannot reopen schools until the health and safety of students, educators, and parents are assured.”

Assuring a safe reopening requires a thorough and complex evaluation of every aspect of school life, the task force noted. The list of requirements includes effective and routine testing for COVID-19; appropriate and effective physical distancing; re-evaluating food service; ensuring school nurses are in every school building; the mandatory use of personal protective equipment; and adapting and addressing the academic needs of all students. You can read the task force’s recommendations here.

The task force – which includes teachers, special educators, paraeducators, school nurses, bus drivers and Vermont-NEA staff – is expected to meet again within a week.

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