Vermont-NEA News

Vermont-NEA Applauds Action on Guns

Vermont-NEA President: Governor, Attorney General, and Legislative Leaders Right to Move Quickly on Measures to End Gun Violence

A week after 17 were shot to death in a Florida high school, Vermont officials hear pleas of students, educators, parents

MONTPELIER – In an extraordinary bipartisan shift on the issue of guns, Gov. Phil Scott, Attorney General T.J. Donovan, and legislative leaders today pledged to pass laws that will, as the governor said, “keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn’t have them.”

Martha Allen, a K-12 librarian from Canaan who serves as president of Vermont-NEA, issued the following statement:

“Unlike the president and his preposterous proposal to arm teachers with guns, Vermont’s leaders actually made a commitment today to start the hard work of making sure that what happened in Florida last week – and almost happened here a day later – never occurs again. I commend Gov. Scott, Attorney General Donovan, House Speaker Mitzi Johnson and Senate President Pro Tem Tim Ashe for coming out strongly in favor of enacting common-sense measures to stem gun violence.

“By affirming support for measures that would strengthen background checks, ban the sale of devices that can convert legal firearms to illegal automatic weapons, increase the age requirement for the purchase of guns, and give law enforcement the tools to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and other dangerous people, our officials are taking appropriate steps toward reducing the incidence of gun violence.

“Additionally, we welcome the governor’s proposals today to get at some of the underlying issues that drive some young people toward violence, and we commend his call for school security reviews, improved mental health services, and an expanded response to and treatment of adverse childhood experiences.

“Every day, the women and men who teach Vermont’s children strive to ensure schools are safe havens. On the same day that President Trump’s solution to gun violence was merely the presence of more guns in our schools, Vermont’s leaders showed that they actually take this issue seriously.

“Too many of our country’s children have been slaughtered in their schools over the last two decades of inaction on gun violence. I hope that today marks a retreat from that fatal do-nothing stance, and that here in Vermont we can actually make a difference. Our children are counting on it.”

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